Friday, January 13, 2006

I thought Ned Flanders' Leftorium was only a dream!

Many people don't understand the difficulty left-handed people have in this world. I wonder if I could consider myself disabled. I am "dis- or un-abled" to do some things that right handed people can do. I'm certainly slower than most! I know my father gets very nervous at the sight of me cutting bread with a big knife. It's not easy being "different". People often stare too. I can't tell you how many people, co-workers etc, say to me "Kathleen, I didn't know you were left-handed" and they make a sad face.

A place I can call my own and pay triple for a pair of scissors or bottle opener. Maybe I should start a support group.

Perhaps for my birthday in March!

Recently a few friends of mine have gotten new dogs. I've been wanting a dog for a long time. I love dogs and I feel like a part of my life is missing because I don't have a dog to share it with....
I love almost all dogs and never miss a dog show on TV. You learn so much about each breed including little tidbits you wouldn't normally know.

So, I wanted something I can manage, can take places and won't be too much trouble when I ask someone to babysit when I travel.

As much as I would love a slobbery bloodhound, I have been looking into another "mini" of sorts. A "mini"Pekingese. Who knew they got smaller??? They're called Sleeve Pekingeses.
Perhaps the plural is Pekingei.

Whilst looking for a breeder and reading more info about this pocket-sized breed I discovered something disturbing........disturbingly gorgeous!! At any rate, this little number might be the next best thing!

Some kids are so smart!

When I used to get the Philadelphia Inquirer weekly, I used to LOVE to read the section called Kids Talk. It was often times very very good as kids really ask good questions.....

I was watching a new show recently called New Breed Vets on one of my favorite channels, Animal Planet and I saw a tiger getting an operation. Well, they shaved the tiger to perform the operation on his side and guess what? Tigers have the same stripes on their skin! Who knew??
I heard that Zebras do too.........does a giraffe? What is the reason for that???

Anyway, in my search to find the answer I stumbled upon a site for kids about animals and again was struck by their smart questions.....

I am dying to read the answer to one youngster's question "why do ferrets stink"? it's another great and well pondered question.......they are gross and stinky!

Thank God we killed the right man this time!

I don't know if they really needed DNA to prove he was the killer. Just look at the guy--he looks completely looney.

DNA: Virginia executed the right man
Report says 1 in 19 million chance someone else was killer

RICHMOND, Virginia (AP) -- New DNA tests confirmed the guilt of a man who went to his death in Virginia's electric chair in 1992 proclaiming his innocence, the governor said Thursday.
The case had been closely watched by both sides in the death penalty debate because no executed convict in the United States has ever been exonerated by scientific testing.
The tests, ordered by Gov. Mark R. Warner earlier this month, prove Roger Keith Coleman was guilty of the 1981 rape and murder of his sister-in-law, Warner said.
Coleman was convicted and sentenced to death in 1982 for the murder of 19-year-old Wanda McCoy, his wife's sister. She was found raped, stabbed and nearly beheaded in her home in the coal mining town of Grundy.

If these two can't make it work what chance do any of us have?

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Former "Baywatch" star David Hasselhoff filed for divorce Thursday from actress Pamela Bach, his wife of 16 years.
"The couple have agreed to an amicable settlement," said Hasselhoff's publicist, Judy Katz.
Hasselhoff, 53, and Bach, 42, wed in December 1989. They have two teenage daughters.
Details on custody and property issues were not disclosed.
Hasselhoff, who cited irreconcilable differences, played lifeguard Mitch Buchannon in "Baywatch" from 1989 to 2000. He also starred in the 1980s TV series "Knight Rider," in which his character, Michael Knight, teamed with a talking Pontiac Trans Am sports car to fight crime.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Glad to see other geeks like me.....well he's a bigger geek.......

Some of you know my love for smelly stickers. As I kid I used to count my stickers with a calculator (which my sister and parents enjoy reminding me about) and I would order stickers from a major company's catalog trying to disquise myself as a teacher...........hoping for a discount no doubt. I'm sure my handwriting gave me away.

So, a year or two ago I decided to see if I could find others that loved/love stickers, scratch and sniff--smelly ones only!! I loved them so much, I always knew where they were at any time through all my moves, except when I lived abroad in Italy for 3 years...I think I asked my sister to "keep an eye" on them. Now I keep them close, so in case of a fire I can snatch, grab and run.

I only told a few very close friends this but, I contacted the "Guinness Book of World Records" because I was sure I had the most smelly stickers.

Well, I received a nice letter from the GBWR claiming that they do not have a "largest smelly sticker collection in the world" category! I didn't believe it. Looking through the book online I decided that it's not the book it was in the 70's. Now it's full of gross things......what happened to the great feats and tallest lady and fattest man (buried in a piano box).

Anyway, I found this site to be pretty good and quite comprehensive. I was even more shocked to find that the site is maintained by a male!
If I wasn't already snatched up, he might have been my soul mate. Maybe he still could be............. my bubble boy.

I was never very good at keeping quiet.....

When I was a kid, teachers and even parents would suggest playing the "let's see who can keep the most quiet" game and I would start to laugh or something. I was always convinced that if my school was taken over by terrorists (ok, well in the late 70's I feared the Mafia not terrorists) and I was in a closet hiding or under my desk....same for a home-invasion scenario....I would be caught and killed immediately. If the dude from Halloween was trying to find me in my bedroom closet, I'd be doomed....I can not keep it zipped when told to......

So how would I be having a "silent birth" you ask? Well, if I were a wacky scientologist, I guess I could practice and practice since it would be something i believe in..........what's the purpose again?

Silent Scientology birth for Tom and Katie?
Group's birth principles call for no music or talking during labor

While Hollywood awaits a due date for Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' baby, one thing is already a known fact — when the baby does arrive, Scientology will play a major role.
Tom and Katie are likely to follow the church's "silent birth" guidelines during delivery, which means no music and no talking during the birth, which also means no screaming during the pains of labor.
The doctrine also states that newborns cannot be poked or prodded for medical tests or even spoken to for the first seven days of their lives, believing that babies go through so much pain during the birth, they shouldn't have to experience any further discomfort or sensory experience that could return later in life to haunt them.

My dream has finally come true.......

I was just talking to some friends the other night about how interesting it is that so many things...come in "mini". I told a friend that I would be thrilled to have a "mini" orangutan. I'm sure it smells but it would be a hoot to have. Then I thought about it and I decided it wouldn't be fair and we all know that orangutans need to hang....I have 12-15 ft ceilings but it might be a mess..........then I thought of having a "mini" dairy cow. I almost fell off my work chair today when I read this!!!
I don't have 4 acres and I don't need it for meet, just hugs and kisses, so I guess I better wait for the "micro-mini".

Mini-cattle are new breeds of heifers and bulls that are easier to raise for some small farmers than their full-size cousins. They eat about a third as much as a full-sized steer, are less destructive of pasture land and fencing, and are easier to handle.
They're not exactly tiny. Minature cattle can weight up to 700 pounds. A regular steer can weigh 1500 pounds. The smaller cows provide enough meat to last a family of four six months. And they only need a back four acres, not 40.

Angelina has a "Pitt" in the bottom of her stomach.....

Kinda crazy, even a little creepy, but pretty..... Angelina Jolie is preggars! According to the BBC (my favorite news, I mean gossip source) the baby is Brad Pitt's. I'm not convinced that it isn't her brother's....remember that fiasco when she made out with him at the Oscars...........

Which Airlines have the most delectable in flight meals?

Since I love to travel and try to internationally twice a year........I always remember the meal I ate and what was "pretty darn good considering......" and what was just lousy and gross to look at.

I still remember en route to London, the clotted cream dessert............the name made me cringe but what a delight!

I believe my best meal thus far happened on my over night flight in 1989 to Europe via Kuwait Air. Don't get me wrong, even in 1989 I was nervous to fly such an airline but it was wonderful.
In coach, I got a lovely typed menu........and the food was great!

I think this meal looks fascinating! Uzbeki....or Uzbekistani in flight meals look yummy!

The art of Blogging

Usually I have so much to say..........I'm constantly making lists on pieces of paper or on one of the many post-it notes packs I carry in my purse of funny things I see or hear..........but sitting here and thinking of something to blog about isn't easy at all. No sir.