Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Once again its been a long time since I've blogged. My good friend from college has resurrected his blog--we originally all started at the same time. Many of us fell off the wagon and now Scotty's back and maybe I am to. As I was saying in the last post, I'm a quitter. I have quit most things that took any effort. Is stopping doing things the same as quitting? From the beginning I've quit. It started in grade school I guess. I quit brownies, I quit the piano, I quit soccer, then in high school I quit numerous clubs and sports, in college I quit a few clubs, I've quit the gym a hundred times, I quit my catholic church youth people night which ended every thursday with happy hour, I quit swing dancing but that fizzled out anyway, I quit smoking. So I guess smoking was the one thing I don't regret quitting.

I promise not to quit the blog. I will do my best to blog from time to time. God knows I have a ton of things to say and my opinions run the gambit and I love to share them.

Thanks Scotty!