Thursday, January 12, 2006

I was never very good at keeping quiet.....

When I was a kid, teachers and even parents would suggest playing the "let's see who can keep the most quiet" game and I would start to laugh or something. I was always convinced that if my school was taken over by terrorists (ok, well in the late 70's I feared the Mafia not terrorists) and I was in a closet hiding or under my desk....same for a home-invasion scenario....I would be caught and killed immediately. If the dude from Halloween was trying to find me in my bedroom closet, I'd be doomed....I can not keep it zipped when told to......

So how would I be having a "silent birth" you ask? Well, if I were a wacky scientologist, I guess I could practice and practice since it would be something i believe in..........what's the purpose again?

Silent Scientology birth for Tom and Katie?
Group's birth principles call for no music or talking during labor

While Hollywood awaits a due date for Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' baby, one thing is already a known fact — when the baby does arrive, Scientology will play a major role.
Tom and Katie are likely to follow the church's "silent birth" guidelines during delivery, which means no music and no talking during the birth, which also means no screaming during the pains of labor.
The doctrine also states that newborns cannot be poked or prodded for medical tests or even spoken to for the first seven days of their lives, believing that babies go through so much pain during the birth, they shouldn't have to experience any further discomfort or sensory experience that could return later in life to haunt them.


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