Friday, March 24, 2006

Of all the Cockamamie ideas.......this could work!

Could it work? I need more info. Is he eating and walking? Where is he going poo? Is he camping or are people inviting a strange obese man into their homes for showers and naps?
I guess I can get on his website and follow his journey....maybe I can text message him......
I think I would wait till spring-summer when you might sweat more......I hate walking in the winter! Must be nice to take 6 weeks off work for that...........I can guarantee that if I had that time off from work, I ain't spending it walking.......... if this lard ass has enough money to stop working for 6 weeks he might as well get gastric bypass and call it a day! Its fun to look at his "injuries" page which consists mostly of blisters on his fat feet.

His Web site is online at

March 22, 2006 - An obese man is trying to shed unwanted pounds the long, slow way: One step at a time. Walking across the United States.
Thirty-nine-year-old Steve Vaught began his trek last April in Oceanside, California. So far, he's covered more than 23-hundred miles. As the distances have grown, so too has interest in his journey, with supporters monitoring his progress online and newspapers and television stations tracking the adventure.
Vaught began the trip to lose weight and break the bad habits that led to his obesity. He says when he began, he weighed 410 pounds. Now he's at 296.

Vaught is about 600 miles from New York, with freezing Midwestern winds snapping at his back. He expects to finish the trip in about six weeks.

Yet another reason to go to Jail......

Well, jail isn't all bad....I mean, you don't pay any bills, you lift weights, watch TV, get food, get drugs, smoke all the cigs you want, anyplace you want.......(smokers on the outside have less rights) you get visitors, conjugal visits too! You can read and study.......imagine not having to work and having time to do all those things you sometimes neglect..... you could focus all the time you wanted on that GED or law degree you always wanted and having more time to spend at the gym.......jail looks pretty darn good to me right now!

Now, there is another good reason to go straight to jail and not pass go! I have to admit, I do love orange but I don't look very good in bright "hunting" orange. However, I look lovely in stripes........I believe horizontal ones are more slenderizing! I found it interesting that the Sheriff that seems to be the brains behind this new dress code is named Gene Kelly!! I hope they bring back the little hat too!

SPRINGFIELD, OH-March 22, 2006 - The retro fashion look is in – for those in the big house.
Clark County, Ohio, Sheriff Gene Kelly says his prisoners will be wearing old-fashioned jail stripes.
The current green and dark blue prisoner outfits look like hospital scrubs, the sort you might see on "ER."
But scrubs are also popular on the street, a little too common for Sheriff Kelly.
He says he's bringing back the black-and-white striped uniforms, to make sure the prisoners stand out.