Monday, January 30, 2006

Utter disappointment..............

My friend John and I have been waiting months for Avian Flu to hit the US.......Most people won't agree with us and think we're nutters but have you ever wanted something so badly and when it doesn't happen you are left feeling so low?
A few months back was when I was the happiest. Avian Flu was so exciting. It was the topic of so many water cooler conversations (we don't have a water cooler, too cheap, but I have discussed it at the scuzzy community microwave, I don't dare use the microwave I just go there to chat about the Flu)
You couldn't turn on the television without some story about the threat of Avian Flu, which I affectionately refer to as "my AF". Then Dateline did a show about the real truth...the real threat and how the only company with the secret remedy was Roche in Switzerland and all these countries have enough Tamiflu for everyone and the USA has like -4 doses! London even designated areas for morgues because they just KNEW they would run out of space....Brits are never wrong. I even called my doctor to get Tamiflu. She didn't give it to me though. I'm still angry at her for that.....if I'm paranoid let me be paranoid! What's the harm in filling a one time script for that? It's not like I asked for a narcotic. I already promised people a pill and they were counting on me.
So, living in Philly I knew about the Spanish Flu of 1918 (how did I know about that you wonder? (I love diseases, maladies if you will) so I read all about it.

It was fascinating. I knew it could happen again, why not? So I was even more upbeat. Perhaps I was day- dreaming and not taking the threat and all that it meant seriously. I was thinking about all the time I would have at home to do things I never do. All the projects I'd be forced to accomplish. All the reading I should do......
Then I realized that although I wouldn't have to didn't mean "snow days" for me necessarily. I wouldn't be able to walk to the corner for a see, everyone would be quarantined and that's no fun. Eventually the electric company workers would die or be stuck home too....same with cable.

The Spanish Flu only lasted 6-12 months so maybe I could do it.
Then I thought about food. I think I have enough canned goods to get me through. I do not have enough water or cat food though. The other reason that I am utterly disappointed is that I hate that the USA was "right". They didn't get the doses......they didn't follow the bandwagon of panic....and they were right not too! That makes me so angry.

So, we wait and wait as the flu season comes to an end........maybe next year. At least it gives me time to come up with more projects and stock up on water and cat food. In the meantime I'm hoping for a miracle but I say outloud and with conviction "Damn you bird flu.....damn you".


Blogger Footprint said...

Yea, I know how you feel. I wanted Ebola to hit the US when the Olympics were in Atlanta. But nnooooooooooo...

11:18 AM  
Blogger Katty Kat said...

Well I'm still hopeful but we are almost at the end of the flu season. I hate the olympics by the way.

6:32 AM  

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