Friday, January 20, 2006

Next project is a music cd featuring some.......

highly anticipated collaborative works by the likes of Yanni, Charlotte Church and Jim Neighbors.........Osama on Sitar.
Tower might not carry the CD and protestors are already picking their spots on the sidewalks and trying to desperately come up with catchy slogans for their the protestors credit, we don't as a nation bow down to terrorists, make deals with terrorists but we are a nation that has freedom of speech.....most of us hate censorship too and even if the poetry and songs stink (you know it will) we reserve the right to buy total crap! You have the right to say what you want in this country unless you're that annoying Marine's mom, Carol something whose son died.......
Knowing me, I'll probably wait for the cd to go on sale......... buy it at a yardsale...........


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