Monday, March 13, 2006

Whatever happened to the Kmart I hated.........

As a kid, as childish as it may be, I was so embarassed to be seen in a Kmart i would sit out in the car for the winter, with the heat fact, sometimes I would even duck down in the seat because I didn't want people to see me there.......I remember seeing a few kids from school in the kmart.........why did I care? I guess because kids were always making fun of people that went to kmart.........but the truth is we all shopped there.
I still think it tends to be a place for sad people...........not sure why. The clothes are certainlt better than before right? We never went there for clothes but I always mosey over for a looksee.....and it was always crappy.
I don't mean the dickies and flannels either.

Anyway, this is a Kmart I'd be proud of to go into with my head held high!
Too bad this stuff is usually online only not in the store..........I am sure I could get this for 75% because what person that shops at the Big K is buying this coffee pot?


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