OCD--Not a laughing matter
But how come I often laugh............it isn't funny, at least not to the person going through it.
Did anyone happen to see "True Life: I have OCD" on MTV? It is a series, just another series that lets us peer into someone's unfortunate life in replace of videos which is what MTV used to be back in the 80's! Well, the other night it was about OCD. I usually don't bother with those shows especially when it is "True Life: I'm getting calf implants". But anything to do with OCD I usually have to watch. Did anyone see it? It was somewhat painful and oddly showed 2 out of 5 people getting help for the condition and where they were in treatment at the end of the show.
Some of the people, and their symptoms (the one guy in particular with his constant touching the doors and his "bathroom" ritual.......were the most bizarre, sad, annoying etc.
By the way, he HAS a girlfriend and she's cute! He is totally bananas.
He performs at coffee shops, playing the guitar and he has some fear of all of a sudden needing to go number 2, going in a strange place, risking getting it on his hands and then on his clothes and smelling.........it is a viscous circle. So he must go number 2 before each gig and he has an entire ritual he performs before going.
Check it out! Please watch his bathroom ritual video!
We all have some levels of OCD. My doctor calls them OCD "symptoms".....we all wonder if we shut off the iron (well not me cuz I don't iron) but coffee pot (I have a faberware peculator that is a plug in) or whatever electronic appliance you may have. Obsessing about a few things is normal. As a kid I had more OCD "symptoms" than I do now. I used to believe if I covered up half of my body with my bed sheet I would be "safe" in bed. So at least one of everything I had two of, had to be covered. Thank goodness I grew out of that. I have another friend that still counts steps.......you see many of these things become habits but people believe that by doing them the same way everytime, prevents some sort of catastrophic event.
Speaking of obessions...........
Well, call me OCD. I couldn't have this toilet in my house. Why do they need to show you the simulated pipe action....I don't need to see the route my poo is taking once it enters the bowl. I think this is a terrible design idea. I would probably have it removed if it was already in my house when I bought it. is that crazy?
Did anyone happen to see "True Life: I have OCD" on MTV? It is a series, just another series that lets us peer into someone's unfortunate life in replace of videos which is what MTV used to be back in the 80's! Well, the other night it was about OCD. I usually don't bother with those shows especially when it is "True Life: I'm getting calf implants". But anything to do with OCD I usually have to watch. Did anyone see it? It was somewhat painful and oddly showed 2 out of 5 people getting help for the condition and where they were in treatment at the end of the show.
Some of the people, and their symptoms (the one guy in particular with his constant touching the doors and his "bathroom" ritual.......were the most bizarre, sad, annoying etc.
By the way, he HAS a girlfriend and she's cute! He is totally bananas.
He performs at coffee shops, playing the guitar and he has some fear of all of a sudden needing to go number 2, going in a strange place, risking getting it on his hands and then on his clothes and smelling.........it is a viscous circle. So he must go number 2 before each gig and he has an entire ritual he performs before going.
Check it out! Please watch his bathroom ritual video!
We all have some levels of OCD. My doctor calls them OCD "symptoms".....we all wonder if we shut off the iron (well not me cuz I don't iron) but coffee pot (I have a faberware peculator that is a plug in) or whatever electronic appliance you may have. Obsessing about a few things is normal. As a kid I had more OCD "symptoms" than I do now. I used to believe if I covered up half of my body with my bed sheet I would be "safe" in bed. So at least one of everything I had two of, had to be covered. Thank goodness I grew out of that. I have another friend that still counts steps.......you see many of these things become habits but people believe that by doing them the same way everytime, prevents some sort of catastrophic event.
Speaking of obessions...........
Well, call me OCD. I couldn't have this toilet in my house. Why do they need to show you the simulated pipe action....I don't need to see the route my poo is taking once it enters the bowl. I think this is a terrible design idea. I would probably have it removed if it was already in my house when I bought it. is that crazy?
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